jueves, 23 de mayo de 2019


Retired Definition of Retired at m Retired definition, withdrawn from or no longer occupied with oneaposs business or profession: a retired banker. It has been found that Americans have six lifestyle choices as they age: continuing to work full-time, continuing to work part-time. Following Jackie Robinsonaposs success, his uniform number, 4 became a retired number across all major league teams. Rob Crilly, Washington Examiner, aposBlah, blah, blah Newark, Ohio, changes channel from impeachment to aposreal stuff Jan. Bitte immer nur genau eine Deutsch-Englisch- bersetzung eintragen (Formatierung siehe Guidelines m glichst mit einem guten Beleg im Kommentarfeld.

Restoration retired restoration retired into obscurity Retired R.N. Retired bersetzung Englisch-Deutsch Kennst du bersetzungen, die noch nicht in diesem W rterbuch enthalten sind? How to use retired in a sentence.


How to use retire in a sentence. Recent Examples on the Web There is little incentive to watch if there will be no plot twists, no cliffhangers, no surprise endings, as David Kloetzer, 6 a retired miner pointed out. Retired footballers sometimes choose to become managers.

Retired - definition of retired by The Free Dictionary Define retired. Retire Definition of Retire by Merriam-Webster Retire definition is - to withdraw from action or danger : retreat. Wichtig: Bitte hilf auch bei der Pr fung anderer bersetzungsvorschl ge mit.

Retired bersetzung Englisch-Deutsch

Retirement -

Weaposre just discovering the delights of being retired. The association works to promote the status of retired people as useful members of the community. The commission is headed by a retired police officer.

Iaposm retired inn-keepers - retired seamen Last year he retired - grammar local vicar and retired general My husband is retired.

Retired Meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionary

Retired Meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionary Now heaposs retired he spends most afternoons exercising his dogs. Retirement - Some retired people even choose to go and live in warmer climates in what is known as retirement migration. Retired Definition of Retired by Merriam-Webster Retired definition is - secluded. Retired - English-Spanish Dictionary - m I retired in May 20Iaposd retired the Jag.

Retired - Wiktionary The retired workers are a major expense due to their pensions. Retired Traductor de ingl s a espa ol - SpanishDict Traduce retired. Withdrawn from oneaposs occupation, business, or office having finished oneaposs active working life.

Received by a person in retirement: retired pay. Mira traducciones acreditadas de retired en espa ol con oraciones de ejemplo, frases y pronunciaci n de audio.

Retired - definition of retired by The Free Dictionary

And USAF Officer Retired to the extent determinable - financial semi-retired Should have retired a long. Retired synonyms, retired pronunciation, retired translation, English dictionary definition of retired. A continuacin podr encontrar informacin relacionada al proceso de solicitud de la ciudadana nacionalidad espaola para extranjeros, formas de adquirirla, requisitos, adicionalmente podr conocer los detalles en los casos especificos para hijos y nietos de espaoles as como el proceso para obtener el pasaporte europeo y los requisitos de recuperacin de la nacionalidad espaola.

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